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Market demand & challenge

Public transport is an important sector in any city, but it faces significant challenges such as robberies, congestion and traffic accidents. To address these issues, a monitoring system can provide reliable evidence to help bus fleets reduce operating costs and improve safety.

In addition, there are significant requirements for the bus service system:

Ensuring security procedures

Implementer strenge sikkerhedsprotokoller for at beskytte passagerer, herunder korrekt vedligeholdelse af køretøjer, regelmæssig førertræning og overholdelse af trafikregler. Dette hjælper med at minimere ulykker og sikre passagerernes sikkerhed.

Clear audio and video recording

Install surveillance cameras inside buses to record clear audio and video footage of driver-passenger interactions. This serves as valuable evidence in case of disputes or incidents, promotes accountability and resolves conflicts effectively.

Remedy of Frivolous Lawsuits

A reliable monitoring system provides court-ready evidence, deters lawsuits and reduces legal costs for bus fleet operators. This evidence helps resolve disputes and protect the reputation of the transport service.

Real-time route monitoring

Use real-time monitoring systems to track bus locations, monitor routes and identify any deviations or delays. This enables fleet operators to take immediate action, optimize route efficiency and improve overall service reliability

Jaxicloud Fleet Management VSS solution for public bus



Mobile DVR provides multi-channel video surveillance for buses.



The records of the enumerators can be transferred in real time via RS232 to MDVR or use 3G/4G to CMS directly. If there is MDVR, you can tag the video when someone passes by for later playback retrieval and manual checks.

People count


Advertising, push to talk etc.


MDT (mobil dataterminal) er en slags robust android industriel tablet i køretøjet. Busstyringsapp kan installeres, og brug RS232 til at integrere med RFID-validator for at realisere billetstyring;



It can detect fatigue driving, unsafe driving behavior, ADAS monitoring. It will send voice alerts and report to the management platform at the same time. In this way, it can provide driver protection so that the number of accidents is lowered.

What we do for your business

Jaxicloud Fleet Management Bus Solutions provide a comprehensive package of safety, security, operational efficiency and cost-saving benefits, ultimately leading to improved service quality and customer satisfaction.

Improved safety and security


Jaxicloud Fleet Management bus solutions include advanced surveillance systems including high-definition cameras, GPS tracking and real-time monitoring. This ensures passenger safety, deters criminal activity and provides valuable evidence in the event of incidents.

Cost reduction

By leveraging Jaxicloud Fleet Management bus solutions, operators can reduce operating costs through optimized route planning, fuel consumption monitoring and preventive maintenance schedules. This leads to improved cost management and increased profitability.

Data analysis and insight

Ved at udnytte Jaxicloud Fleet Management -busløsninger kan operatører reducere driftsomkostningerne gennem optimeret ruteplanlægning, brændstofforbrugsovervågning og forebyggende vedligeholdelsesplaner. Dette fører til forbedret omkostningsstyring og øget rentabilitet.


Jaxicloud Fleet Management bus solutions enable real-time monitoring of bus locations, route deviations and passenger numbers. This helps fleet operators optimize routes, allocate resources efficiently and improve overall operational efficiency.

Improve driver KPI management


The presence of a reliable monitoring system provided by Jaxicloud Fleet Management helps protect bus fleet operators from false claims and frivolous lawsuits. The court-ready evidence collected by the system can be used to defend against compensation claims, saving legal costs.

Improved passenger experience

With real-time monitoring, precise timetables and improved security measures, Howen bus solutions contribute to a better passenger experience. Passengers can feel safe, enjoy reliable service and benefit from optimized routes and on-time arrivals.

Key customers

Jaxicloud Fleet Management bus solution has gained the trust of a wide range of key customers in the transport industry. Our advanced surveillance systems and innovative technologies have helped improve safety, optimize operations and enhance the overall passenger experience. We are proud to partner with leading bus operators, public transport agencies and fleet management companies who rely on our solutions to achieve their goals of efficiency, reliability and customer satisfaction

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