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Transformation of telematics data into practical tools

JaxiCloud Fleet management is a software development company that provides IoT solutions with a focus on fleet tracking. Our portfolio includes niche and ultimate products, cloud and server-based platforms, telematics backend system and mobile apps for personal use. Choose a vehicle tracking platform that best suits your business needs.



Vehicle tracking system is universal. It is currently integrated with more than 3,300 models of GPS tracking devices, including personal GPS trackers, vehicle controllers and software-based "trackers" installed as mobile apps on smartphones. In addition, JaxiCloud is able to process data received from aftermarket sensors (weight, humidity, light, temperature and others), cameras, tachograph and other supplementary hardware connected to GPS tracking devices.

The management system according to ISO 9001:2015:

This confirms that the company's management system is based on the principles of ISO 9001:2015, which is the international standard for quality management.

Documentation for compliant application of the requirements has been


This means that the company has provided proof that they meet all the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

According to the certification procedure, the company is certified:

This confirms that an independent certification body has assessed the company's management system and found it to be in compliance with ISO 9001:2015.

Overall, this phrase means that the company has achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification, confirming that they have an effective management system to ensure consistent quality in their products and services.

Jaxicloud Fleet Management -based solution developers


Do you need more than the basic Jaxicloud Fleet Management functionality can provide? Do you have projects that require customized solutions? Do you need third-party integrations? It's not a problem. The Jaxicloud Fleet Management SDK makes it possible to create customized solutions and integrate with other specialized systems.

Jaxicloud Fleet Managment -baserede løsningsudviklereHar du brug for mere end den grundlæggende Jaxicloud Fleet Management -funktionalitet kan give? Har du projekter, der kræver skræddersyede løsninger? Har du brug for tredjeparts integrationer? Det er ikke et problem. Jaxicloud Fleet Management SDK gør det muligt at skabe skræddersyede løsninger og integrere med andre specialiserede systemer.


Jaxicloud Fleet Management -baserede applikationer leveret af vores partnere er allerede blevet anvendt i forskellige forretningsområder, fra sporing af køretøjer til landbrug. De hjælper med at løse slutbrugernes problemer på et mere detaljeret niveau.


Og takket være Jaxicloud Fleet Management -fællesskabet udveksler partnere fra hele verden deres Jaxicloud Fleet Management-baserede udviklinger og anvender færdige løsning


Jaxicloud Fleet Management data center guarantees the operational performance of Jaxicloud Fleet Management SaaS solutions and with over 99.5% uptime. Every minute our server center receives about half a million data packets from tracking devices deployed across Europe. In addition, there can typically be over 30,000 users simultaneously logged into the system.


Advanced technologies for data storage and processing, database management, process automation and more than 300 advanced Jaxicloud Fleet Management servers ensure stable operation of hosted solutions even under extreme load.

JDC logical structure


Jaxicloud Fleet Management  serverplaceringer

Skærmbillede 2024-08-21 220631.png





Transformation of telematics data into practical tools

JaxiCloud Fleet management is a software development company that provides IoT solutions with a focus on fleet tracking. Our portfolio includes niche and ultimate products, cloud and server-based platforms, telematics backend system and mobile apps for personal use. Choose a vehicle tracking platform that best suits your business needs.

The management system according to ISO 9001:2015:

This confirms that the company's management system is based on the principles of ISO 9001:2015, which is the international standard for quality management.

Documentation for compliant application of the requirements has been


This means that the company has provided proof that they meet all the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

According to the certification procedure, the company is certified:

This confirms that an independent certification body has assessed the company's management system and found it to be in compliance with ISO 9001:2015.

Overall, this phrase means that the company has achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification, confirming that they have an effective management system to ensure consistent quality in their products and services.

Jaxicloud Fleet Management -based solution developers


Har du brug for mere end den grundlæggende Jaxicloud Fleet Management -funktionalitet kan give? Har du projekter, der kræver skræddersyede løsninger? Har du brug for tredjeparts integrationer? Det er ikke et problem. Jaxicloud Fleet Management  SDK gør det muligt at skabe skræddersyede løsninger og integrere med andre specialiserede systemer.

Jaxicloud Fleet Management based solution developers Do you need more than the basic Jaxicloud Fleet Management functionality can provide? Do you have projects that require customized solutions? Do you need third-party integrations? It's not a problem. The Jaxicloud Fleet Management SDK makes it possible to create customized solutions and integrate with other specialized systems.


Jaxicloud Fleet Management -based applications provided by our partners have already been used in various business areas, from vehicle tracking to agriculture. They help solve end-user problems at a more granular level.


And thanks to the Jaxicloud Fleet Management community, partners from all over the world exchange their Jaxicloud Fleet Management-based developments and deploy ready-made solutions

Jaxicloud Fleet Management datacenter garanterer den operationelle ydeevne af SaaS-løsninger fra  Jaxicloud Fleet Management og GPS Trace – med over 99,5 % oppetid. Hvert minut modtager vores servercenter omkring en halv million datapakker fra sporingsenheder, der er implementeret over hele Europa . Derudover er kan der  typisk være over 30.000 brugere samtidigt logget ind i systemet.


Avancerede teknologier til datalagring og -behandling, databaseadministration, procesautomatisering og mere end 300 avancerede Jaxicloud Fleet Management -servere giver stabil drift af hostede løsninger selv under ekstrem belastning.

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